Tuesday, November 14, 2006

WALCOM 2007 Call for papers

Call for Papers

Workshop on Algorithms and Computation-2007

Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) is organizing a workshop on algorithms and computation on 12th February, 2007. Professor Takao Nishizeki of Tohoku University, Japan, one of the renowned scientists in the field of Theoretical Computer Science, has kindly consented to present an invited talk at the workshop. Some other renowned researchers are also expected to present their invited talks. There are eight to ten slots for contributed talks in this workshop for which papers describing original and outstanding research results are sought.


The range of topics within the scope of the workshop of algorithms and computation includes (but is not limited to):

· Algorithm and data structures

· Graph algorithms

· Graph drawing

· Combinatorial algorithms

· Computational geometry

· Graphs in bioinformatics

· String Algorithms

· Computational biology

· Parallel and distributed algorithms


Takao Nishizeki (Tohoku University, Japan)


Shin-ichi Nakano (Gunma University, Japan)
Subhas Chandra Nandi (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India)
Xiao Zhou (Tohoku University, Japan)
Y. Kusakari (Akita Prefectural University, Japan)

Takehiro Ito (Tohoku University, Japan)


Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research of theoretical or practical significance to algorithms and computation. Authors should submit an extended abstract not exceeding 12 single-spaced pages on A4 paper, including references, figures, title, authors name and affiliation, e-mail address, and a short abstract. Use reasonable margins and at least 11-point font. Please use LATEX for preparing manuscript. We will have eight to ten slots for contributed talks in this workshop. Please submit PS or PDF files of the manuscript to walcom2007@gmail.com. LATEX source files will be required for preparing proceedings after acceptance of the paper. See http://teacher.buet.ac.bd/saidurrahman/walcom2007/ for details.


· Submissions of contributed papers: December 15, 2006

· Notification of acceptance: January 12, 2006

· Workshop: February 12, 2007


The workshop will be held in Bangladesh Computer Council Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


M. Shamsher Ali, President of BAS (Workshop Chair)

Naiyyum Choudhury, Secretary of BAS (Organizing Co-Chair)

A. M. Choudhury, Executive Director of BCC (Organizing Co-Chair)

M. Kaykobad, BUET (Program Co-Chair)

Md. Saidur Rahman, BUET (Program Co-Chair)


Costas S. Iliopoulos (KCL, UK)

Md. Abul Kashem (BUET, Bangladesh)

M. Kaykobad (BUET, Bangladesh) Co-chair

Manzur M. Murshed (Monash University, Australia)

Petra Mutzel (University of Dortmund, Germany)

Shin-ichi Nakano (Gunma University, Japan)

Subhas Chandra Nandi (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India)

Md. Saidur Rahman (BUET, Bangladesh) Co-chair

William F. Smyth (McMaster University, Canada)

Hsu-Chun Yen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)


Dr. Naiyyum Choudhury


Bangladesh Academy of Sciences


Dr. M. Kaykobad

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh,

E-mail: kaykobad@cse.buet.ac.bd

Dr. Md. Saidur Rahman

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh,

E-mail: saidurrahman@cse.buet.ac.bd


IJCSIS Editor said...

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security
ISSN: 1947-5500
Special Issue May 2009

International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security promote timely dissemination of high impact research that makes fundamental contribution to the advancement of both theoretical understanding and practical performance of communication networks and security. Paper submissions are invited in the area of computer science, in particular the technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Computer Science and Information Technology. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

Internet Technologies, Infrastructure, Services and Applications
Open Source Tools, Open Models and Architectures
Security, Privacy and Trust
Network Security: privacy, authentication, access control, intrusion detection and prevention
Navigation Systems, Location Based Services Social Networks and Online Communities
ICT Convergence, Digital Economy and Digital Divide
Networks and Communications Protocols: error recovery, flow and congestion control,routing, multicasting, medium access control
Computing and Information Systems
Grid Architectures and Services
Emerging applications and systems
All paper submissions will be handled electronically and detailed instructions on submission procedure are available on IJCSIS web pages (http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis/). Accepted papers will be published online and indexed by Google Scholar, CiteSeerX and Directory for Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) and SCIRUS. The authors of accepted papers will receive a CD-ROM of the IJCSIS Volume.

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Date: 20 April 2009
Acceptance Notification: 15 May 2009
Online Publication Date: 30 May 2009
For other information, please contact IJCSIS Managing Editor, (ijcsiseditor@gmail.com)

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